“Walk By Faith”

It's hard reading through the Bible and hearing of the awful things “men and women of God” did. From lying, to murder...they all happen...and make “godly” people look, well, not godly.

I'm reading through Judges and the account of Samson just makes my eyes roll. Seriously, how can this man be seen as a role model?! A judge? A hero? We picture a muscle bound poet (and not necessarily a good one), who leads his life decisions based on his flesh...wild honey and wild women seem to be his weakness. My husband wonders sometimes if Sampson was actually a skinny little guy. We always picture him muscle bound, but all the scripture says is that he has great strength. That would have been interesting...and added to the mystery of his strong gift, for sure. For fear of judging the judge, he didn't seem to have too much going on under those seven woven locks, except busy wayward eyes. I have to catch myself and remember that things aren't always as they seem.

Walking by faith...which includes making sound judgments... and not by sight is not a strong point of mine. I rely too heavily on what I see. I see Samson a little less virtuously than God must. There must be something I'm missing. He must know something about Samson I don't. Or maybe I do, but my pride has obscured my vision. Maybe it's not perfection He's looking for. Maybe His mercy and grace is too huge for my standards. And maybe I'd better trust in His...because I might need it myself someday...like today.

There was a time in my life when He humbled me this way. When I thought I wouldn't “be like that” He put me in situations where nothing but this mercy and grace could restrain me. The secret of my strength to withstand the same temptations of Samson, are these alone. If God had cut me off from these, I would have become a honey lovin' brute too, and maybe worse. Fortunately, nothing can cut me off of these locks of strength. Mercy and grace hang long and flowing from my wayward head!

I have to remember that just because these Bible heroes “looked bad” many times, doesn't mean their hearts weren't right before God. They failed miserably...as we all can...but God picks them up and pushes them forward to another opportunity to defeat their flesh. And anyone trusting Him, WILL be faithful to complete their calling...in the end. It's so encouraging to realize that God uses idiots like me to display His glory! Our victory may accompany the consequences of gouged eyes, lost relationships or embarrassing legacies, but if He is our glory, than none of these will matter to us anymore.

Am I willing to close my eyes to what I see as truth and trust what He who made them says is? I'm better off gouging them out than living a lie that dishonors Him and ends in my own eternal demise. My eye rolling at people messing up should stop. I'd rather have eyes like Samson...in the end.

“We walk by faith and not by sight.”
2 Corinthians 5:7




“Me and the Girls”