
I read it, and now say it, every time I go to the Superstore...

"Breathe...wine is here"

I wasn't exactly suffocating, but sure, I get it. People crave. We thirst. Waiting for that messiah of whatever we are suffering from. Well, you know, wine and the Bible are not enemies. Wine is referenced all over the Old and New. Especially the New...because Jesus brought with Him, in a tall dark bottle, the New Covenant.

We remember the pouring out of His scarlet lifeblood every time we take communion. He ended the trying. Our constant effort to pay for sin and our eternal failure of sufficiency. His perfect sacrifice, once for all, did away with the blood spilling. The wine is both a messy memory and also a means of celebration. It is the wrath of God, down to the dregs, and the liquid joy of redemption.

Abuse of the stuff happens, just like the way His grace is often misused and cheapened, but it is still a gift. A gift to be treasured, reverenced and enjoyed at the table of fellowship. Focusing on the literal wine rather than the symbolic misses the point totally. My husband always says that we should not be so focused on the freedom to partake in spirits, but rather on being filled with the HOLY Spirit. Who cares about sour grapes when we have the pleasure of being grafted into the whole Vine!! Eternal joy!!

Because of the cross, we can now breathe.

Breathe...the New Covenant is here.

"This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Matthew 26:28




“Walk By Faith”