“The Camel Trail”
This present generation isn't exactly known for it's patience. Short attention span is the norm, with information, entertainment, advertisements and memes constantly bombarding our minds and distracting us from things of greater importance. Whatever is important to you needs to kept at the forefront of your mind. Losing focus and running down rabbitt trails is very common now, and these trails often lead to nowhere. Getting you lost in nowhere is a great place for ineffectiveness and deception to find you. Go down the camel trail instead.
Men and women of long ago didn't have these modern distrations, but most still found something easier to pursue than wisdom. Pleasure and play usually are the prefered goals and destination...especially the immediatly gratifying kind. Wise men and women, however, did their research, loaded their camels and set out following their dreams, determined and in it for the long haul. No matter how long it takes, wisdom follows the brightness of it's love and accepts the difficulties of the journey. We assume that the wise men of the nativity scene were present at the birth of Jesus, but historically, they didn't actually arrive at the home of the Saviour until two years after his birth.
The astronomers of the time made their calculations and scientifically plotted their course to wisdom. The “star” was actually nothing usual and a phenomenon to be paid attention to by those not lulled into complacency by pleasures. The Shekinah glory in the heavens moved and guided them to the place where wisdom lived. The most intelligent and scientific of men brought gifts for this child. Not a quick stop at Walmart and pick up something pretty and generic, but rather thoughtful, symbolic and precious gifts. There is nothing shallow, temporary nor cheap about the gifts wisdom deserves.
The length of the journey, the study that it requires and the faith that fuels the progression are all part of this nativity scene.
Christmas was over.
The tree was put away.
But the light kept shining and the journey continued.
For the long haul.