“Leading the Faithful Few”
It only takes one. And it only takes a few willing followers.
It is said that all you need is 3.5% of the population to make effective change...whatever change you are after. And it only takes 1 to start anything. But that 1 has to be all in. The 1 needs passion, conviction, selflessness and determination. Leaders are rare...real leaders, I mean.
Far too many potential leaders become sidetracked by peer pressure, fear of man and exhaustion. I understand. I also understand that we have external power available to us for those empty moments. When the world tells us that “You are enough” or to “just look within yourself” for extra power, they are lying. In reality, these human bodies and sin tainted minds, although amazing and resilient, are not quite enough to weather ANY storm.
I'm writing this On Nov 1st, the day after “Reformation Day”, when Martin Luther nailed his Ninety Five Thesis to the door or Whittenburg. This act was just the beginning of a movement. It began the year long seige of Magdeburg (the only German city to resist an unjust law) and a document penned by pastors of integrity, that allows us the religious freedom we have today. A freedom, not to do whatever we want, but to love and serve God however He wants...to let Him be Lord of all, rather than men. Many people, besides Luther, were instrumental, risking their lives and reputations for this truth, but someone had to stand out and be the first. The whole city suffered for a year, but held strong together, for something grater than themselves.
I wish the church at large today, had the same wisdom and courage to leave self behind and love God with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength. I wish individuals of any walk of life had this kind of character. There are some things more important than comfort and temporary peace.
Be that lonely boat, taking a stand, and know that there will always be, though maybe small, a following of leaning masts, willing to kidnap you for your protection (great history read), and stay the course until the job is done.
I want to thank my husband for being this kind of leader. It is inglorious, lonely and often humiliating...but hugely effectual. Also, our little “pack” at Browns Flat Baptist Church. You make leading far less lonely and inspire us forward by your faith in the scriptures and love for one another.
Sail on, faithful vessels!!