“Still Waiting”
When I'm walking in the woods in winter, the stillness is incredible. You just have to stop and listen...to nothing. No music nor conversation...nothing. Time sands still for just a moment and you just get to rest everything, your exercise, your planning, your work and your entertainment. The insulation of the snow even blocks the sound of the wind and the birds. It's a calm that you don't get to experience in the colors and liveliness of summer. It's like all of nature is waiting for something to happen...and happen it will.
Most people live for summer, but the change of seasons is good. The winter is needed and can be enjoyed too...it just needs a little more dressing. Life can't be just one big party all the time. We were made for change...for play and for work, for activity and for rest. The faithfulness of the seasons, with their distinctive pros and cons, reminds us to look forward to the next and to appreciate the now. Learning to wait and not to wish away the present, is hard. Wishing for Spring will rob us of the stillness of winter.
Waiting for change can be deathly quiet and cold, but strength waits. Focus on the rest and peace the blanket of snow whispers. The strength of the trees as they wait for their green to show again and have a little dance between the branches...no one is looking there. Take in the beauty of winter. Quiet, patient, cold and peaceful winter. Rest up...cuz summer is comin'.
“While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22