
Waking up can be hard to do. Even if the body has no trouble, the mind can exhaust us before we even get the day started. Getting the body and mind set to having a "good day" must be intentional. We have to fight off negativity, fear and defeat first thing...before it gets a hold...It's hard to shake.

Start with gratitude. Being thankful for anything you can think of. A quick prayer of thanksgiving to the One I love most, reminds me of what I'm waking and living for.

There is nothing wrong with waking up comfortably! I put on the coffee, grab my soft blanket and curl up somewhere beautiful to just sit and think. Doing stuff distracts the mind from proper thoughts, so don't do...just sit still. Checking social media USUALLY doesn't help with this...unless your newsfeeds are stretegically culled for mental wellness 😁. Think about, or pray about the day ahead. Not necessarily about what you plan to accomplish, how you'll fix something or the fun you set your heart on, but rather, how you will determine to react to "come what may".

No one is promising you a good day...whatever that is. Reality promises good and bad, so prepare for either and treat these two imposters just the same. As my friend Monica Bobbitt says, "Have a day". Regardless of it's content, it is a gift and gifts are good if we use them well. Set your mind to remember this. Prepare your emotions to react in step with this truth. Meekness is "power under control". Controlling our feelings is power.

Then, when you've given your thoughts direction, go and do rightly. Don't do whatever you feel like, because feelings can be deceivers. Do what you know is right and true...like helping others make breakfast, sending a kind note to a disgruntled friend or speaking your opinion kindly, rather than cowering to conformity. Do stuff. Good stuff. Don't entertain yourself all the time...that leads to hopelessness. Rest when rest offers itself and fight when the battle insists.

We need to stop looking for a good day and start each 24 hours determined to respond well, control our thoughts and feelings and trust what we know is true. Then, the day won't be our master, but He who is true and truly Good, can be.

"Gird your sword on your thigh....for the cause of truth, meekness and righteousness. " Psalm 45:3-4

If we failed to do this yesterday, hope rings...

"His mercies are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness." Psalm 92:2


“Me and the Girls”


“The Listener”