“Team Tiara”

Some days I don't feel much like a princess, or any kind of royalty at all. Even though dads call us Princess and we might be Daughters of the King, the demands and circumstances of life throw a different kind of title our way. We get bogged down by lies, whispers of self pity and false righteousness. Believing the world owes us, we start to behave more like divas than strong, feminine leaders and role models of humility. On these kinds of days, I really need my sisters of faith to pull me along and help me straighten my crooked tiara. Reminding me of whose I am, and the power I have in Him. Encouraging me in the truth and leading me in hope.

Other days, I feel strong and put together.

On these days, my focus should be on helping other crooked or unsure tiaras to walk worthy of the way, and not to glory in my success.

Whatever the inclination of your tiara, realizing that it can change in an instant, aught to keep us holding close to each other. I am so grateful for those women in my life, who keep watch over me, in my weakness and my strength. Trusting their correction and relying on their love, makes this journey bearable, and keeps me feeling treasured, safe and focused. A day out thrift shopping, coffee dates and tearful hugs in quiet corners are also things of regal importance

In a world full of divas, it's so important to stand with noble sisters and help each other keep our tiaras straight...and sometimes, we just have to wear it crooked, and let her drag you through


“The Listener”


“Soft and Strong”